Governor Parson touts tax cuts in election day speech to Springfield Chamber of Commerce

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson outlined his plans for tax cuts in a Tuesday speech to the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce. In an election-day speec...

August 9, 2022
5:42 AM

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson outlined his plans for tax cuts in a Tuesday speech to the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce. In an election-day speech to the Springfield-Area Chamber of Commerce, Missouri Governor Mike Parson outlined his plans for tax cuts while labeling the pandemic "in the rearview." The cornerstone of Parson's speech centered on his proposal to lower Missouri's income tax from 5.4 percent to 4.8 percent — calling it the largest tax cut in the state's history. "With record inflation, historical high gas prices and rising food costs, we are proposing a permanent tax relief for all Missouri voters.

Andrew Sullender